
A beautiful hand-lettered brand that I made for Mandarina.
They knew exactly the vibe they wanted for this new brand. And I had the opportunity to have fun translating colors and working with hand draw lettering.

This was a project with simple lines for a brand with beautiful handmade goods. Check out the result. And don’t forget to visit their Facebook page.

Uma bonita marca com lettering desenhado à mão, que eu fiz para a Mandarina.Eles sabiam exactamente aquilo que queriam transmitir para esta marca. E eu tive a oportunidade de me divertir traduzindo em cores e desenhando as letras para esta marca.Este foi um projeto de traços simples para uma marca de artigos bem bonitos feitos à mão.

Vejam o resultado e visitem a pagina de Facebook da Mandarina.

by the seaBaleal

A selection of illustrations that I made when I was working in a store at the beach.

My first website

  This was my first website, made in January. It's not finished, there is still content missing... but can see it online in here.

New Illustrations

New project with the partnership of a copywriter  from Manchester and the idea of a gentleman and his granddaughter. Let's see what this will bring! I hope good things !!! =D

Novo projecto que nasce com a parceria de um copywriter aqui de Manchester e a ideia de um senhor e da sua neta. Vamos ver o que isto vai dar! Espero que coisas boas!!! =D

Hipnose do Photoshop

A demonstration of Photoshop filters in a very hypnotic video created by Device studio.

Uma demonstração dos filtros do Photoshop num video bastante hipnótico criado pelo estúdio Device.

Hipnose do Photoshop

Inspiration #1


some inspiration with bright work